Gibson Company



Advantage Transactions

Major corporations employ professional Real Estate Directors to manage sale and lease transactions.  Private property owners are not so lucky.  They shoulder all the burden on their own.  From hiring a broker – to coordinating the transaction – to problem solving, they have all the responsibility.  Not only is it more work, but it often leads to added costs, liability, and stress.  Gibson Company has a better approach.  It bundles all the functions of a corporate real estate director and delivers services to private clients at no direct cost.  Gibson’s cutting-edge approach to sale and lease transactions is aiding clients across the country.   Best of all, the process works for all property types.  Success is achieved for office, industrial, retail, multi-family, mini-storage, entertainment, and high-end residential. 

A key to Gibson’s success is sourcing top-tier real estate brokers in markets throughout the United States.  Gibson excels in identifying elite talent, evaluating credentials, and helping the client choose from 2 to 3 of the “best in class” finalists.  The client pays Gibson nothing.  The broker candidates agree in advance to pay a portion of their fee to Gibson for the opportunity to be chosen for the assignment.  Gibson oversees the broker’s activities as well as managing the transaction until completion.  The client receives full-service concierge treatment, all at no added cost.  Gibson takes care of everything.  This is the power of Advantage Transactions.


Broker Sourcing

Gibson Company specializes in identifying and vetting “best-in-class” real estate brokers in markets throughout the United States.  This service is unique in the industry.  Why is this important?  Studies show that over 90% of all real estate transactions involve a broker.   This is true of residential, commercial and industrial purchases, sales and leases nationwide.  What these studies fail to mention is that 80-90% of these same brokers are average or below average producers.  This means most Sellers, Purchases, Tenants and Landlords are settling for average to below average agents.

For over two decades, Gibson has perfected its top-tier broker identification process.  Its quest for the best was driven by discerning corporate clients.  By sourcing elite professionals, Gibson elevated the performance and service levels it delivered to its Corporate America. 

Today Gibson Company makes this same service available to Private Clients and their advisors.  For no direct cost to the client, Gibson will source 2-3 top brokers specializing in the asset type and market area of the requirement.  Gibson will coordinate requests for proposal, response evaluations, matrix comparisons and interviews.  Gibson then will assist the client or advisor make the final selection for the engagement. 


Broker Oversight

Gibson has a long history of partnering with top-tier brokers across the United States.  Its transactions varied by asset type, market, and size. There were leases, sales, and purchases.  Sourcing the right broker is critical to closing a successful transaction.  With the right broker, minimal oversight is necessary.  Elite brokers have the expertise and professionalism to drive transactions forward.  They are leaders by nature.

Unfortunately, property owners and tenants often hire brokers for the wrong reasons.  It may be emotional or personal.  They may feel obligated to hire the neighbor from down the street, the nephew who just got in the business, or the close friend from the local service club.  Too often the transaction does not go as hoped and the relationship gets strained.  Good intentions turn into bad results.

Gibson Company is available to provide Broker Oversight if the client insists on hiring a broker not sourced, vetted and recommended by us.  In such cases, the broker must agree to the compensation sharing agreement, or the client will have to pay a separate oversight fee.


Transaction Management

Gibson Company provides Transaction Management as part of its no-cost, all-inclusive engagement or as a separate service.  Why is this important?  Purchase, sale and lease transactions are usually complicated, time consuming and problem plagued.  Businesses have General Managers.  Construction has Construction Managers.  Projects have Project Managers.  Real Estate transactions have no one except the client and the broker to keep things on track.  Problems arise frequently.  Usually they are unexpected and occur without warning.  Someone has to assess, address and resolve the issue or the transaction falters.

Gibson Company has expertise anticipating road blocks and problems before they occur.  It’s a matter of being proactive.  That means Gibson is in constant communication with the parties, brokers, consultants, advisors and contractors who may be involved in the transaction.  With over 20-years of corporate real estate experience, Gibson knows how to analyze problems, identify alternative solutions, recommend course of action, and implement plan of attack.

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